quincy jang dot calm masthead
pic of Q

um, we need a better header


Friends of Q are invited to the annual munch-athon at his parents' place on September 10th.

5/'04 update: we've added some of Q's poetry - only a few links but lots of stuff, and much more will be posted soon ... you can also view some of Q's artwork and check out some photos of Q ... more of everything coming ... Additions and suggestions are welcome; please leave them in the guestbook

so far, several million pixels have been injured in the making of this web site (and still counting) ... actually, in what I hope to be authentically in the spirit of Q, said pixels were carjacked, slapped, pushed, tripped, kicked, punched, shoved, stepped upon, pummeled, stabbed, throttled, strangled, shot with a pellet gun, shot with a .22, shot with an sawed-off aught-6 - twice (I hate when that happens!), shot from here to there with matching Uzis (one for each hand), penultimately shot in the face at close range with a Glock 9 and finally bombed to smithereens with sixty pounds of C4. This concludes the test paragraph, necessary in the tweaking of the layout of this page.